Thursday, January 12, 2012

Day 8

I think I have morphed into some kind of being that can run on little to no sleep. Man I thought it was bad before, but it seems like ever since you've been sick it has been REALLY bad. I have a hard time falling asleep alone for several reasons, but one is that it is hard for me to relax since I'm the one that has to be "on" all the time when you're gone. I haven't been falling asleep until Cora is up at least once (11-12...oh and right now I think!) because I will just lay there thinking she will be up any minute so what's the point. And my head fills up with the millions of things I need to do in the morning and can't forget to do tomorrow. And now there has been Jude and his coughing fits. Last night I gave him meds twice and then in my delusion of no-sleep/2am I freaked out that I mixed meds and was going to scar him for life somehow. Finally I had to turn on the fan and try not to hear it (he is coughing now too...). Today was COLD! I got the fire going right when I got home, but I have only been able to keep barely above the furnace. Tomorrow morning is the last I have to get the kids to daycare. I did really good this morning because I made myself get up on time despite the wee hours of wakefulness instead of falling asleep after my alarm went off on Tuesday and then being so late I had to bring Cora to daycare in her pajamas (I'm mortified that I did that, but it is the truth). Right now it is a quarter past nine. I have to make my lunch and then brush my teeth and then I'm hitting the hay. We'll see if I fall asleep before Cora wakes (I don't hear her anymore).

TGIF tomorrow:)

P.S. Cora seems better, but she won't really tell me how she's feeling...

P.S.S. I won the Omnaris battle today!!! Me-1 , Pharmacy- 0, what now!

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