Monday, January 16, 2012

Day 12

Yep. It's finally here. The day we've all been waiting for (or at least I have!)....Day 12!!!!!! Gil called about an hour and a half ago to say he had landed in Omaha. They left from there around 8, so I'm thinking 10:00-10:30ish he should be here!!! (please don't mind that sometimes I write to Gil and sometimes I write about him. I also probably switch tenses and make a million other grammar no-no's...I may be a reading/English teacher, but remember that I am VERY sleep deprived when you read these posts!).

I made him ginger snap cookies tonight as a welcome home gift. I'm kind of wondering how Jude will respond when Gil gets him out of bed in the morning. I hope he is really excited to see daddy. We have been talking about it and usually he is very chipper in the morning so I think it should go well. Cora I'm sure will be elated to see her father!

In-service today was so-so. Ok, honestly, it just sucked. I hate being one of those whiney, complaining, negative teachers, but really it just wasn't very good. The auditorium was too big and bad for discussion, the topic was too broad, the microphone didn't work, the lunch was all packaged foods with only pop as an option- no water!, the teachers were not enthusiastic. It just kinda sucked. But it did get over early!

I was really really hoping for a snow day tomorrow or at least sometime this week, but it's not looking like that is in the cards. Oh, I'm so tired, but I have to stay up until Gil gets home. I think I will watch a Gilmore Girl's episode and enter some grades into the computer.

Day 12! Day 12! Day 12!!!!!

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