Saturday, January 7, 2012

Day 3

Oh man. Three seems so small when I have to get all the way up to twelve...

Anyway, today was Saturday and it was awesome! Cora slept like crap, but what's new. She's sick so I guess I'll give her a break. Jude woke up at 8 so I did too, but Cora did stay sleeping til almost 9 which allowed me to: eat breakfast, feed and water the pets, unload the dishwasher, start some laundry, and start a fire before she woke up. She really wasn't into nursing today, but was loving on her baby food....I don't know what is up with that. I even gave her some of her medicine in her food and she ate it right up. She seems to be doing a little better, but not a lot better. Hmmmm...

Jude took a bath in the big tub this morning for like an hour probably! He loved it! He also took almost all the pillows and cushions off of the couch and drug them to his toy corner where he made a fort because, "A monster is coming!" Cora and I had to get in the fort too. He took a short nap this afternoon and really didn't want to go to bed tonight. He just couldn't fall asleep. I gave him some cough medicine again.

I made a homemade pizza for lunch and mac and cheese and peas for supper. We watched a marathon of Veggie Tales Christmas videos during/after supper. We also read, "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" a few times, played the fishing game, and painted a picture. Jude recognized a W on Sesame Street this morning and went to the fridge and grabbed it and said, "Two Double U's!"

After I put the kids to bed I folded the mountain of laundry on the couch and watched a Gilmore Girl's episode. I also talked to your mom a bit.

Ok, time to call it a night!

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