Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Jude has been learning about gravity lately. He loves to throw balls and crawl after them. He loves to pick up food and drop it on his tray. He loves to throw his sippy cup off the tray. Lately he just loves to throw! Well today he reached a new level. He tossed his baseball (the one you gave him Mitch) outside his room where the balcony is to the living room. Then he dropped it through the railings onto the couch. He loved it so much that he thought he's give the carbon monoxide detector the same treatment (he loves to unplug this from his wall). Luckily I caught him before that happened! He is so funny to watch these days. He is so fascinated by everything. And like I said throwing things is at the top of the list!

One night last week Gil got home late and wanted to take a shower. I had just started the washing machine so I stopped it so he could have more water pressure. I kept the light on in the laundry room/back porch so I would remember to turn it back on. The back porch is also where the dogs sleep. Since this was a cold night both dogs were in the house in their respective kennels. Babbs is a little to frisky for hers, but if we put the door to the wall and blockade her in with a laundry basket she stays in. Well we went to bed and unusually Jude woke up around 3:30 am. As I picked him up for a minute it dawned on me that I never turned the washing machine back on. I was washing Jude's diapers and decided I'd better go down and turn it on so he'd have some clean ones for the next day. As I got to the bottom step a small animal jumped out at me in the dark. It was Babbs. I had also left the light on in the porch and apparently that was enough to make her want to escape. Who knows how long she'd been running free in our house, but the smell was enough to let me know she'd been a bad puppy! I chased her around til I caught her and managed to get her back into the kennel (she's lucky I didn't boot her outside!). Then I went on the hunt for the doo doo (NOT what I wanted to be doing at 3:30 in the morning!). I found the liquid in a puddle on the carpet near the couch. I got the carpet cleaner and went to work. But I knew there was more. That smell convinced me. I found the rest in a pile on the wood floor next to the door. Luckily that was easier to clean up. Anyway, after this early morning escapade I was ready to go back to sleep. Gil didn't know a thing about it until I told him in the morning. It's amazing how men sleep though anything once they become dads!

A few weeks ago on a trip to Sioux City I was in the car and took a turn driving into the sun. It was bright so I quickly scanned around for my sunglasses (I always keep a couple pairs handy). Not seeing the pair I wanted I felt around the seat on the small compartment where they are usually kept. Still they were no where. I thought this strange because I knew I had had them on previously and wondered why I even took them off. Finally I resigned myself to wearing the older bent pair. As I placed them on my eyes I felt something else and wondered what was on my face...it was my other pair of sunglasses...the ones I had been looking for...oh my!

1 comment:

  1. We just got a puppy, so I know all about the smells and accidents. But she's too cute to get too angry at!
