Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Strides, Studies, Stupidity, Smiles, Shots, Seriously

Lots to talk about tonight and since Gil is working late and Jude is asleep I actually have time!  I will begin with the race.  It turned out beautifully!  It was great to see Jamie and meet my other teammates.  We had a chance to catch up in the chilly October morning and soon it was my leg.  I ran second of the five legs of 5.2 miles each.  I felt really good the whole time and if I had any other speed other than slow I may have been able to go faster (does that make sense!?).  But anyhow I finished my leg of over the bridge and down the river at about 9:40 at which point I was transported back to my car at the finish.  I gave my cousin Jami a ring because she and her two sisters Kristi and Tori were all running the half-marathon (way to make me look lazy cousins!).  It ended up being perfect timing because they were close to finishing.  I booked it downtown to the finish about 5 min before Jami triumphantly crossed the line.  She has run a marathon before, so go figure, she did great.  Kristi came in a while later and then Tori.  It was so good to see them and their families, don't get to do that enough anymore.  Then by the time they were taking off to get a bite to eat my team was about to finish our last leg, run by my friend Jamie.  We finished in under 4 hours so we were all proud.  Jamie ran through a cramp and her friend Robyn ran her leg in 40 min!  We got cute long sleeve green shirts and despite the cold (which wasn't terrible) we finished and had fun:)  Jude also had a good morning away from mommy and daddy.  Gil was at an Antioch retreat for Briar Cliff all weekend long.  We missed him terribly, but he had a good time and is making an impact for the Lord.  From reading all of the notes from students, staff, and friends I can tell Gil is really well liked there and doing a fantastic job.  I am so proud of him!!!(even if he does have to stay late sometimes)

The next adventure to discuss is my day substitute teaching at Allen on Monday.  I guess the strangest part was being a teacher along with my past teachers who knew me as a kindergartner or awkward teenager.  It was a pretty simple and easy day and all went well.  Jude was a perfect angel for Alissa too so that was a relief.  I'm excited to do more subbing.  It was fun to get out in a school again and see kiddos.  I even thought for the first time I might like to teach the littler ones someday.  However, I also LOVE that I am able to spend most of my days with my baby and do not miss "working" at all.  

So the first half of the day was smooth sailing...then came the rest.  When I got home Gil called to say that he had forgotten there was a lecturer coming to Briar Cliff that night that he would like to hear.  He wanted me to come too since he would be getting home late and I hadn't seen him all weekend.  Mom couldn't watch Jude because she was helping dad in the field and Alissa had plans too.  Gil said he would scrounge up a student to watch him in his office during the lecture.  So I packed us peanut butter and jelly sandwiches to eat beforehand (a common meal for us!), changed the baby, and took off again.  As I was heading down Hwy 20 I popped over the hill to see a cop.  Actually I didn't see him til he was already passed because he was directly behind another car.  I was speeding and had no time to slow down.  I don't really know why I was speeding.  I usually set the cruise, but I was probably trying to get there faster.  Anyway I was pulled over and given a lovely speeding ticket, my fourth or something in my time...wow that sounds bad.  It made me really sad because what a waste of money, especially when we have such precious little!  I spent the rest of the drive very upset and arrived late.  There was no time for Gil to eat his sandwich.  Also, he had not found a babysitter.  We attempted to bring our 6 month old to the college lecture.  Not a good plan.  I spent most of the time in the room behind the lecture room trying to entertain him and keep him from squealing, crying, yelling, farting, or any other noise he might randomly project at any given moment.  Needless to say the lecture was missed to a great extent and all I could see was that it was a wasted and expensive trip to Sioux City.  Stupid me!  

Fast forward to today.  Gil and I got up early because we had to drop my car off at the repair shop for new brakes (another fun way to spend money).  Then we rode together to Sioux City.  I dropped him off at work and headed to Famous Dave's.  I picked up food for the two of us and brought it back so we could have lunch together.  I have spent quite a few meals in his office with him or sometimes going out.  People there have got used to seeing Jude and I and I'm always getting to meet new students which is neat.  Plus otherwise Jude and I wouldn't have gotten to see him much today.  

After lunch Jude had an appointment to get 6 month pictures taken at the mall.  This was my first experience with this type of thing (Gil doesn't believe in buying photos and after today I might agree) and even though I tried to be prepared and think of everything (I even read the "how to prepare for your portraits" section online) I inevitably failed.  First of all I forgot the stroller and had to lug my three bags plus the baby car seat into the store.  But luckily I found a cart which was a lifesaver.  Pictures actually went really well which was a blessing (I ought not forget to tell the positives!).  He smiled like a champ and was thoroughly adorable.  The frustrating part happened afterwards...during the choosing/ordering part.  Anyone who knows me can attest to the trouble I have making up my mind.  So here I am looking at all of the cute pictures of my cute son and wanting them all but having to choose only a few (because of the ridiculous prices I was unprepared for and not printing the online coupons).  On top of that they show you the most expensive (and cute) ones first and keep pressuring you to buy, AND you have to buy that day or pay extra.  I had a time crunch because Jude's 6 month well baby check was at 3.  AHHHH!  Finally, after much deliberation (thanks to mom and Alissa for being there with me!!!)  I chose and was satisfied with the cost (as much as could be expected).  Walking out of the studio I discovered the last 15 minutes since I'd checked the time had mysteriously disappeared and it was now 3.  It was only the second time I was going to this clinic and I was pretty sketchy on how to get there.   But I took off anxiously hoping for the best.  I arrived 20 minutes late to find the waiting room PACKED with sick kids.  I had to wait another 10 minutes just to get to the receptionist who told me they had me down as a no show (oooops)...luckily they saw him anyway.  Jude is now 17 lbs. 12 oz. and 27 inches long.  He got a few shots including a flu shot and cried pretty good, but calmed down good too.  Then after a trip to Wal-Mart I finally headed home.

I have been very irritated with myself for all of my stupid moves: the speeding ticket, not having the stroller, not being prepared for pictures, being late for the doctor (plus having to get new brakes).  Why me???  But really there is so much to be thankful for: Jude, Gil, family, friends, health, faith, food, love, LIFE.  Gil was telling me a story about a girl at Antioch who was sharing about the loss of her little brother in a car accident and how much faith she had to get her through that experience.  I got a speeding ticket.  Big Deal!  

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