Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Blogging Beginner

So yesterday after having quite an adventurous afternoon of lunch at green gables, feeding in the parking lot, shopping at Payless, and a massively poopy diaper in my car I came to the conclusion that I might need to start blogging!  There is just so much to tell sometimes...and no one to tell it all too (except for beautiful little Jude of course, but he doesn't always get it!).  I am new at this and since I love to write and journal I think it will be fun.  But right now I'm wasting so much time just trying to figure it out.  I should be exercising or picking rhubarb or sorting the recycling, but alas here I sit in front of my laptop screen for the past 2 hours!!!  Yikes!!! (don't tell my husband).  I don't really know who might read my rantings, but just the same I rant.  Tootaloo!


  1. yay! another blog for me to follow! :) checking other people's blogs takes just as long as writing your own. it's so fun though!
