Thursday, October 20, 2011


Sick seems to be a constant state at our house lately. I usually pride myself in how few sick days I have to take as a teacher. Not so after kids! Since the beginning of this year I have had two colds and the stomach flu with another cold seeming to be on its way now. Gil has had a cold for the better part of the quarter it seems. Although Jude hasn't had too bad of a runny nose or cough, he is the one who brought the terrible stomach flu home from daycare one day only to have me contract it five days later, and now Cora a whole two weeks later. I'm not really sure if what she has is the same thing or not. Who ever knows what an infant has!? It is so nice that now Jude is able to tell us a little bit about how he is feeling (even if he isn't able to puke into a container instead of on his bed or the couch yet...). In fact last night around 1am he woke up to tell us he was sick and wanted to sleep with daddy. Throughout the questioning we are pretty sure we discovered the "sick" was that his leg fell asleep and hurt enough to wake him up! Cora on the other hand...she is a mystery. She has had a low-grade fever for the past three nights and just hasn't seemed her smiley self. Then last night after a three hour nap she went to sleep early, only to wake up at 10:30pm with a higher fever and to throw up (not just spit up!). Poor girlie! So last night was crazy with her in the baby swing so I could hear her better and then Jude in our room for a bit after he got "sick." I really struggled with what to do today. My class was attending a field trip to the orpheum and a museum in Sioux City (not to mention the mall!!!). I really wanted to go. But Gil had to teach today and if both of us were in Sioux City and unable to be there if she got sick again...then what!? I had to make the decision before she was up so I really couldn't gage how she was feeling. I decided I needed to stay home and I think I am glad I did (although that is now 3 days down for school so far). Cora is feeling much better I think (no more throwing up), but she still isn't quite herself and she has slept most of the day. It is probably good to be home for her though to get more rest than she would at daycare. Also for me to be able to nurse her when she needs/wants.

Then there was Jude today. He has been GREAT! It seems like on school days I get the short end of the stick because I usually leave before he is really up and by the time I pick him up from daycare he is so ready for a nap that his behavior is something to behold. I typically get a tantrum or two or three before we make it to his bedroom... and then it's sometimes a battle with the nap. But today he hasn't had one fit, not even when he had to put the ipad away (that is a first!) PLUS he didn't take a nap. Now I really would've rather he take one than spend the hour and a half in his room playing and hollering for me constantly...but if he's gonna be so good without it I can hardly complain. Despite how energetic and social he is, Jude plays so well by himself.

A new great thing Jude is doing is that he will occasionally burst into song! I love it! Right now, in fact, he is singing "Hey Jude." It's great! I've also heard "Jesus Loves Me" and "The Itsy Bitsy Spider." Oh, and we recently discovered that they pray before eating at daycare because he started saying the "God is good" prayer one night:) Another one of my favorites from Jude is his word "beautiful." He uses it all the time and it is just so cute! He pretty much gets the concept of beautiful, but uses it for things you wouldn't normally, like the jelly toast that I made him the other morning. He has yet to call me beautiful, but he has told me my shoes and earrings are!

Cora is almost on the move now. She squirms all over! She also loves to hear her voice. If she likes to talk as much as her big brother does we could be in for a battle of the voices around here! She is almost sleeping through the night, usually only gets up once before I do at 6ish. She is also getting into eating her cereal. I have been trying to get some baby food prepared before her six month mark. In fact I made a batch today (sweet potatoes from Grandpa Great's garden--thanks Carolyn!) and another on a day I was home sick (squash)! So I guess these days have been good for something:)

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