Sunday, October 2, 2011

September where did you go?

I somehow managed to skip the entire month of September on my blog....hmmmmm...must mean the Ridenour's have a few other priorities at the top of the list lately. Actually, I have (as I always say) a million thoughts throughout the day that I think could be turned into a fabulously witty post, but then by the time I have a minute to put it into words I have forgotten already. One of the things I have been thinking lately is how I seem to never do anything and yet have no time. How does this happen?!? I guess the answer is kids! I really shouldn't say that I don't do anything because my kids are dressed, fed, played with, napped, cleaned (sometimes!), etc. That is about all I can squeeze into the day after I get home from school at 2pm.

Along these same lines, I have been contemplating my still larger-than-before midsection lately and this is my conclusion: I can either 1.) Exercise and feel guilty that I am not with my kids/husband or doing one of the many things on my to-do list or 2.) Get used to it and feel guilty that I am not exercising! I don't really like guilt. I think I need to find a happy medium somewhere. Like doing a little of both. Still working on the logistics of that though. I thought nap time was the answer, but I just can't seem to get it done because my other source of guilt is that I'm not doing enough for my class. Which really turns into stress because I can't get it all done. Sometimes people ask me how I do it all. The answer is I don't! I fall short in every area. Exercise is one area, but I'm also feeling like I don't do enough school work or play with my kids enough or cook good meals enough. I think I need a clone to do my exercising!

On another note, Jude seems to be boycotting napping altogether lately, but he still needs it...any suggestions?!

Here is a little of our month of September:
Cora and I on Blue and Gold day for Allen's homecoming. This weekend we got haircuts, went to the football game, went to the swap meet, went to Missouri for Gil's grandpa Gilbert's 89th birthday, and decided not to go to my friend's engagement party (sorry Jamie!!!).
Here are Jude and Cora hanging out.
This is what my couch looks like typically. Last night after I dumped a load of diapers on the empty couch Gil commented, "Oh, the couch was so happy to be free for three hours!"
Here is Cora in her "new toy" as Jude calls it. She is enjoying spending some time here.
We finally got to meet baby cousin Sarai. Here are the Ridenour grandparents with the three amigos!

And here is Cora with Sarai, just 10 weeks apart.

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