Tuesday, August 10, 2010


This is the good part about having a garden and chickens. Even though some parts are stinky! Our next adventure: 20 broiler chickens arrive tomorrow! We are going to raise and butcher them...stay tuned for results!

EGGS! We get about 3/day right now, but have about 5 more layers that should start soon.

Frozen green beans and sweet corn (sweet corn from my mom and dad's place)
Frozen Rhubarb and Zucchini
Onions hanging in the barn

Black Raspberry Jam (made from black raspberries from our grove)
Zucchini and Cucumber (we had lettuce and spinach at the beginning of summer)
Some of our Tomatoes. We have already made salsa and are going to make tomato juice, pasta sauce, and can some whole tomato chunks.
SOME of our seemingly millions of potatoes (both white and red).
Canned Cinnamon Pickles--3 day process, but yummy!

Completely unrelated to produce...
I just completed an order on Shutterfly.com. I made a photobook of Jude's first year. I have made them before and it's always the same. I upload pictures (takes FOREVER), I arrange pictures (takes FOREVER), I write captions, chance backgrounds, change styles, change covers (takes FOREVER), I become obsessed with the project, it is all I think about, I skip meals to work on it, I decide I want to try a different route and make a second to compare with the first (takes FOREVER), I then cannot decide which I like better and spend FOREVER going back and forth (Gil cannot distinguish between them so is no help). Finally, after hours of debating and modifying I place an order (and immediately regret my decisions!). But today, despite the many hours lost on this simple task, at least there are three things on the bright side: so far I have not had regrets about the order, I saved more than I spent by using coupons, AND I'm not so nervous about my computer crashing and losing all of my pictures of Jude that I have not bothered backup! I hope I like it when it arrives:)

1 comment:

  1. I wish I had rhubarb - I'm sure Attila would just eat it all, though. Also, why is it that husbands cannot see details? Matt also has no opinion at all when it comes to the details of my photo books...or outfits or decorating decisions or papers or anything. Have fun with the chickens! How are you planning on butchering them? My grandma's method involves a broom stick.
