Thursday, April 1, 2010


I have been a busy teacher lately: PE, computers, 2nd grade, Science, kindergarten, and music in the last two weeks. It took me a long time to remember them because it seems when the day is done I hit delete and all information is lost. Or maybe it's just that I am in so many different places seeing so many different kids that one 24 hour period is all I can commit to remembering details, names, schedules, etc. But out of these experiences, kindergarten definitely stands out in the crowd. Kindergartners were a lot like 1st graders only had MORE questions, MORE tattling, and MORE hilarious statements!

8:20-enter 17 5-6 year olds. "Hi Mrs. R," they all said (kindergartners have amazing memories...way better than 20-something-year-olds!). "You're wearing Mrs. *&%&'s favorite color, do you know what my favorite color is?" They all had a favorite color. Some had two or three favorite colors. After guessing all of their favorite colors and names, they proceeded to centers. Most of the boys were rambunctiously playing with Lego blocks while the girls focused on drawing me pictures and writing, "To: Mrs. R, From: *&^^%" (only their hand writing looked like a kindergartners!). Here are a few of the other funnies that stood out to me during the day:

*Kids "stretching" not raising their hands
*Every kid raising his/her hand, but then repeating the exact same answer before them because they really have nothing to say.
*If they got upset with another student it was, "You're not coming to my birthday party." Whoa, pulling out all the stops on that one!
*I tied many shoes, some could do double knots, others couldn't
*"Mrs. R, so and so is doing such and such and he's not supposed to do that." (I wish I could type in the whiny little voice in which this was constantly reported).
*Everyone had a cut or scrape after recess and many needed a band-aid
*During roll call/lunch count the kids were in the routine of spelling hot or cold and then saying a phrase. Most of the time it was, "H-O-T, I love Mrs. R"....awwwww!
*The guidance counselor did a lesson on careers. No one knew what a career was, but they had fun guessing. One little girl thought it was probably a parade.
*When asked what careers people had in the school the most common answers were teacher and recess teacher.
*After watching the career video one little boy insisted he wanted to be a pirate (he meant Pilate).
*When coming up with words that start with V one little boy said, "Venchun." The others seemed to think that was a good word too. I asked them to enlighten me on what exactly a venchun was. I finally figured out it was an INVENTION. haha!
*They get stickers on every paper and man is that cool!
*Nap time is more about bugging the person next to them and tattling than resting.

So yes, kindergarten wins the favorite sub day of the week!

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