Wednesday, April 14, 2010


I have spent the past 3 days subbing in the same ESL (English as a Second Language) classroom as I did in March. It was fantastic! I learned a little Spanish, taught a little English, met some great kids, and had some GREAT conversations. I didn't feel bad letting the girls (the classes happened to be mostly girls) chat with me. I mean we're working on conversation skills right?! So over these days I have really got to know them...and care about them. Some of the conversations were fun. We discussed foods we like, bands we like, how old we are (how many years we have), computers and the internet, hair, church, boys. And some of the conversations were difficult. I found out many had broken homes, family far away in other countries, one girl was already even a mother herself.

But the most difficult by far was when the most upbeat, cheerful, friendly, and sweet girl of them all came in from lunch very upset today. I wondered what could have gotten to her. She was quick to attempt to explain herself to me and I soon found out that a group of four boys had been mean to her during lunch. One boy had told her to, "Go back to Mexico." It is tough for these kids to fit in. They cannot speak the language and so have a major barrier. The other kids cannot understand them and are afraid of people who are different, not to mention they are teenagers and prone to meanness. I felt so badly that someone had made this girl feel so terrible. But we did have a great conversation about this incident.

And then she gave me something that I will cherish always. It is one of the best gifts I have ever been given. She had been telling me that she was going to give me something during the past few days. She said I was a good teacher. I didn't know what to expect. I knew that she was somewhat religious from our past conversations and I think that she knew I was as well. Today she asked me what church I go to. I told her that I go to a Catholic church in Sioux City at Briar Cliff. She was very excited that I went to a Catholic church. She then went to her locker and brought back her gift. It was a small ceramic nativity scene, all one piece, that opened up to reveal a small jewelry box on the bottom. It was an inexpensive item, but it was amazing. I told her thank you and that I happen to collect nativity sets. Now as I look at it I am reminded again of her kindness and giving spirit. How amazing that a girl who doesn't have much gave what she could, gave thoughtfully, gave joyfully, and gave with love. I want to be more like this girl. I want to have a giving spirit. I want to give gifts, time, talents, energy. I want to give what I can and give with love.

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