Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The First Grade

I subbed in a first grade classroom on Tuesday and got way more of an education than I gave!
Those little 7-year-olds are FULL of energy.  Here is some of what they taught me:

1.  It doesn't matter if you have to ask the teacher her name several times in one day and are never able to say it correctly, pulling on her sleeve or saying any name starting with an R will do.
2.  If you aren't any good at staying in the lines when coloring you just need to keep practicing and you will get better.  Don't give up!
3.  If a big wave comes when you are surfing you'd better watch out for the under toe.
4.  Chairs and desks are just suggestions for where to sit in the classroom and they don't have to stay where they were when you arrived in the morning.
5.  Hippos are used to add and subtract.
6.  Stereotypes don't really exist, so everyone is on a much evener playing field.
7.  1st grade boys can be in love with two girls simultaneously, no need to choose just one!
8.  If your sub does something "wrong" feel free to tell her how Mrs. Such and Such does it.
9.  One of the greatest things in life is being the line leader or the paper-passer-outer.
10.  One of the best things to do at recess is to go turkey hunting.
11.  My printing has too much cursive in it for 1st graders.
12.  When estimating always go high (i.e. if you have a choice between being likely to fit 5 or 50 blocks in one hand go with 50!).
13.  If I sub in a first grade classroom I will smile a lot throughout the day, I will inevitably do everything "wrong", not a lot of teaching will get done,  I will learn to love them all by the end, and unfortunately I will leave with a splitting headache!

Hope I get to see those rascals again!

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