Thursday, March 5, 2020

Toothless 7-year-old wonder! High-five Luke Kirby!

Mikey turned 7 last month...I might as well be resigned to the fact that I cannot be on time with these posts anymore!  Mikey's birthday fell on a Wednesday so we had our traditional morning party with presents (star wars theme with a Lego, shirt, stuffed dragon, flashlight, and book) and then supper at my parent's since mom ended up with them after school and then Awana.  Since February is the month of sick, it is always difficult to plan and actually have parties.  The planned party for the 8th was cancelled due to Thomas coming down with RSV and strep combo.  He was a sick little boy.  And Mikey was also hacking.  We did get a family cake night in that day though.  We had a fun day for him on the 22nd as well.  We took his friends Michael and Drakkan (along with our entire gang!) to Drop Zone trampoline park for the first time.  We jumped, played some arcade games, were devastatingly disappointed at the prize counter, and left with sweaty big kids and the two smallest boys in tears.  That's just how it goes.  Then we hit up Burger King and finally headed home for some Nintendo and attic play time.  It was a good day.

Mikey, you are extremely curious and do not give us a break with your thinking mind, constant questions, and exploring personality.  You have learned to read this year, which when I think about how far you've come from pre-school, just like Luke and still not knowing all of your letters, is so astounding!!!  You have lost I think four teeth now and are starting to look a little like a jack-o-lantern;)  You are very good about helping Dad with chores outside and can be very dependable. You like to know about the cows and heifers and chickens and the status of all the animals.  I hear you are a great student at school and a good friend.  You like to play with Cora or Luke and sometimes Thomas, but usually do best when it's just one other sibling around.  You are a big eater and are getting so tall.  You have a sweet sweet smile and a big silly bone.  You love to laugh!  You enjoy playing Nintendo probably more than any other sibling and are pretty good at it.  We love you so much Mikey and can't wait to see what the seven year old Mikey is capable of (baseball this summer!!!).
Grandma and Luke with the 5-year-old quilt

Mikey's cake time

Thomas sick :(

DropZone little kid area

Luke birthday breakfast

Two-year-old melt down at the claw!

Tay Tay and Lukey

Making Mikey's cake

Swim party

Birthday breakfast

Making cake


Friends and Nintendo

Star Wars cake

Kirby cake


Kirby cake time!

What Thomas did while I was making the Kirby cake...

Luke on the climbing wall at DropZone

cake smile!

DropeZone time

Make a wish:)

These two ;)

Swim Smile :)

Burger King

Luke was THRILLED about his birthday this year!  It was a Tuesday where we got to be at home so we again had our birthday breakfast including Fruity Pebbles and presents (you got a dragon canoe Lego, playground ball, stuffed owl, and flashlight).  We had hot dogs and burgers for supper and Kirby cake after that. You and Case enjoy playing Kirby together on Friday afternoons and of course Kirby fits you perfectly!  Then on Saturday we spent the afternoon swimming at the Y in South Sioux with the Pick girls and getting Taco John's after that.  You wanted swimming for your birthday activity and it was a blast (mom couldn't swim because of a mole I had removed a few days before, but I was ok with that!).

Luke, you are a delight of a little boy.  Your twinkling brown eyes and sincere little personality bring us so much joy.  You also love the great outdoors and are so curious about all of the happenings on the farm.  You usually know more about what's going on than I do!  You are doing well at preschool and love going to see your friends and having your afternoons to play at home with Case.  You are learning to write your name and still working on all the letters and numbers.  You still are a great napper and need one pretty often.  You go to cubbies on Wednesday nights.  You like music and have learned to sing "Old Town Road" with great earnest and hard core facial expressions;)  You are still not that into TV or movies (except Wild Kratts), and would way rather farm in the attic, play Lego, play cars, or play anything.  You like riding your bike, exploring in the spiky woods, and keeping up with the big(ger) kids. You still say the cutest things and just love it when I say "don't lay on my pillow" at night and then tickle you to pieces (you and Mikey take turns falling asleep in our bed so you settle down quicker at night).  We love you to the moon Luke and can't wait to see what this year has in store (kindergarten!!!!).

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