Thursday, September 12, 2019

Tommy is Two!!!!

Tommy Boy turned two years old...about 12 days ago!  I'm not gonna lie...this working mom thing is no joke!  I am behind on house work, I was a no-show to Thomas' two year well-check (actually Gil was a no-show as the pick up broke down in a major way and I forgot to call...ooops!), I have a list a mile long on my days off not to mention other fun things like this blog that I feel may NEVER get done.  The big kids are off to school and that is going well...but I really do miss my big babysitters while they are away!  Without them Thomas has turned back into a getting-into-everything-monster!!!  It's like I have to watch him all the time or something 😜 (by the way as I type I am feeding him chips as 11:00 am before lunch because he wants them...he's the baby!)

Anyway, my baby finally turned two!  I have sort of been waiting for this day ever since he was born.  At that time Luke was two and a half and I was so close to being out of baby mode that I could taste it.  I knew these two years would fly by so I tried to soak up all the baby love that I could.  These years did fly by just like I knew they would, but I am really relishing in the fact that I can sleep all night (usually), he can walk, and even talk a little, and is getting much more independent.  Next stop: out of diapers!  I am already planning to set my diaper bag on fire and buy the most gorgeous and expensive purse I want when that day arrives!

Tommy's birthday landed on the Saturday of Labor Day weekend.  For some reason Labor Day weekend finds me in the doldrums quite often.  I'm not sure why but that is a low point emotionally for me.  This birthday adds a little happiness to it!  Saturday was a cold rainy day so it was nice to just hang in the house and celebrate the birthday boy.  We had donuts for breakfast, opened his new tricycle, baked a cake, and just hung out and watched some U.S. Open tennis.  Sunday we went to church, packed up, and headed to Weigand.  We boated with grandma and grandpa Koester, the Picks and the Hendrixes.  Then we had a hamburger/hot dog supper and hung out with everyone at our campsite.  We decided to camp out as the sun came out and it was a nice day.  There was a little chance of rain but we got away with just a sprinkle on us!  Monday was another at home getting things done day.  And that was the weekend.

Thomas, I'm still not certain if we are going to stick with Thomas or Tommy two years later!  I go back and forth all the time, so you are both for now!  You are such a go-getter!  I always find myself saying, "wow, no kids has ever done that before!!!" (although admittedly I have realized you might get a little less supervision than the others did...!).  Your bright blue eyes and contagious smile greet me every morning.  And lately your vocabulary is BOOMING so it is so fun to hear what you have to say!  You still love your binky and something to rub your fingers on, preferably my hair or maybe Cora's!  You like to watch your songs, Little Baby Bum ("bum") in the mornings, jump on the tramping, get pushed in the swing, get into every single thing you can get your hands on (which is more and can now open door knobs 😵), and keep up with all your big brothers and sister.  You really do love them and give them hugs in the morning when they go to school and again when they get home on the bus.  You are a great sleeper, a climber, and a jumper.  You are a joy and a delight and we are so thankful that you are part of our crazy cool imperfectly perfect family💕.

Grandma and Grandpa Ridenour came last weekend and brought you an exciting present

Birthday morning!

Happy Camper!


You are not a cake fan, but really like the candle and singing part!


Little Rider

Boat ride


more donuts...🙈

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