Thursday, July 5, 2012

Never Stop Improving

Never stop improving.  From Lowe's?  Home Depot?  Something like that!  Anyway I like it and have decided it is a good motto to live by.  I want to never stop improving, I want my kids to never stop improving.  I definitely want Gil to never stop improving!  It is also nice when we get to do a little never stop improving to the house.  A few weeks ago we finally put hardware on the kitchen cabinets!  Yay, how exciting!  We also recently stained the deck.  It feels good to improve!

At the pool with Ashtyn

mom and dad bought a boat!  this was our first time out.  Jude was pretty hesitant about it, but he did love the "raft."

Cora liked moving, but didn't like the sitting still too much (go figure!)

I have been thinking I need to write a little about each of these two cuties you see below.  They are just growing so fast and I want to be able to remember what these days were like.

I will start with Judas Maccabeus:
Three is a good thing.  I have decided three really is so much easier than baby or 1 or 2.  If we can just get a kid to three we will be okay!  He can be (a little) logical and understand reason and use the toilet and sleep on his own and have very very wonderful conversations.  It is so nice to have someone to talk to during the day when Gil is out and about.  Once in a while Jude will have a melt down or be completely unbearable.  But those moments are not frequent and he usually snaps out of them very quickly.  When coming out of time out he gives me a hug and it is all over with!  Jude LOVES his sister!  He likes to tickle her feet when she wakes up in the morning and is getting to be able to play with her more (sometimes still a  little rough!). He tries to interpret her screams (I think she wants a chip now).  He needs an explanation for everything and when he is satisfied he will say, "I see."  He also likes saying, "whatever, nevermind."  Jude is a tornado.  I would've thought he would be over making messes by now, but no, it is his favorite!  If left unattended it is likely to get quiet.  Gil and I have noticed that he is a constant talker/noise maker.  If he is not asleep he is either talking or making some kind of noise.  Unless he is making a mess...that is a quiet affair too!  He loves to pile up blankets and pillows and make a "dog cage."  Or just dump every last toy from the box onto the floor.  He is also not a fan of picking up his messes, but he will do it when bribed.  Bribary is actually a fairly effective tool.  Jude's favorite book to read before bed his his baby book.  We look at the pictures and talk about when he was a baby.  He also loves his little blue "Jesus book" (bible).  He is starting to understand the basics of Jesus which is cool.  He loves to say his daycare prayer before we eat.  He is starting to have some shy spells in front of people we don't know, but they don't last long.  He loves to sing and will frequently break into "Beat It" or a number of other tunes even if it has been a long time since he heard it.

Cora Clare:
Cora is beginning to have a little personality.  She knows how to get what she wants, particularly from mommy.  She hasn't started walking yet, probably because she knows I will pick her up and carry her wherever she wants (or I want).  And she can crawl like a mad girl.  She is still somewhat of a picky eater, but if I get out a new food item she needs to have it ASAP!  She knows what she wants and lets us know if she is not getting it!  She LOVES to sit on our lap and listen to books while she turns the pages.  Her favorite is "Bubbles, Bubbles."  She really does like playing with Jude's cars too.  She loves her brother right back and thinks he is hilarious.  She is easy to laugh and smile and likes to say cheese at the camera.  She doesn't say too many words yet.  Hi and a wave is probably her best.  I'm guessing she will be just as social as her brother!  She loves to swing and play in the sand.  She loves the bath.  She also loves to dance to some Michael Jackson tunes.  She has the bluest eyes and her hair is getting blonder all the time.  I can almost get it into a full ponytail.  She takes good naps still and is finally sleeping all through the night with no getting up!!!  She doesn't seem as into TV as her brother is, so that's good!  She is a terrible traveler and sleeper away from home...uh oh!  She seems to really like animals and doesn't care if they climb all over her and lick her up.  She is a screamer and isn't afraid to be LOUD!  
Happy 4th of July!
On another note, I should mention that today is Gil and my 4th anniversary!!!  It has been an awesome 4 years full of adventure!  Love you honey!

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