Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Cora Clare, 1 year old

Here are some snippets of Cora's first birthday party.  It was held yesterday, May 28, 2012 
(Memorial Day).

We had a lot of fun with lunch and presents and cake and ice cream.  It was a beautiful day!

This was my decoration station.  The gate is handy to keep the kids out of mommy's stuff!

Fruit kabobs!  We had these along with burgers and brats, potato salad, beans (pictured), lettuce salad from our garden, cucumber salad (that grandma Vonny made), homemade ice cream (that my mom made), and lots of
rainbow cake and candy.

Here is my rainbow table and decor

The birthday girl eating lunch (she loves those hot dog bites!)

kid table from grandma and grandpa Ridenour with Tierney, Jude, and Ashtyn.

Rainbow Cake!!!  How not to make a rainbow cake post to come soon.  But it actually turned out okay in the end:)

Happy Birthday Cora sign.  I also had a rainbow made out of her diapers above another window...picture of that to come too.

birthday girl in her rainbow tutu

not the easiest to get around in, but i could tell she felt like a princess!

This is our new sidewalk/flower bed/fire pit area!!!

family pictures.  Cora's dress courtesy of Aunt Minette.

Cora is about ready to walk!

The birthday girl taking a turn on the horsy swing

The Koester Family

The Ridenour grandparents

Carolyn, John, and Brittany helped out a lot!
My biggest regret is that I somehow neglected to get a picture of Brittany or Alissa (her godparents) with Cora.
Sorry girls!

1 comment:

  1. Love the pictures, ESP the family pic! Happy birthday cora, we love you! Aunt Minette, Uncle Mitch, and Sarai
