Sunday, May 1, 2011

More Jesus!

Here are some videos of last weekend that I couldn't get to upload earlier (and I'm not so sure they worked now either...). Also, I completely forgot to mention another big event that took place. Last Friday Jude got his first real haircut (Besides the buzz cut he got last July, we have never cut his hair. That was Gil's decision by the way!). It was actually done, by chance, by a woman who is the mother of a boy he goes to daycare with. Landon is just about Jude's age, so she was really good with him. And he did amazing (much better than I expected for being tired, grumpy, and having a general dislike of sitting still!). The thing that kept him the most occupied was having the spray bottle of water and shooting himself in the eye! I, of course, forgot my camera, but did get some good shots on my phone. I just have no idea how to get them from my phone to here! Anyway, I think it turned out nicely. It is still long (as you can see in the previous photos), but at least it is not in his eyes or looking like it should be in a ponytail!

Another Jude story I want to share has to do with bedtime. I am the put-to-bedder of the family generally. And we have gone through various stages with the whole bedtime routine. It used to be that when he was tired I laid him down and he went to sleep. Not much to that routine. Quick and easy! (mind you this was after a long time of sleepless nights, I did get my share!). Then he started to be sad when I left so we started reading books before I laid him down to get ready for it. From books we went to songs, then books and songs, then songs and books and milk, and lately we have even used the ipad for "stories" before bed. Jude is absolutely in love with the ipad and has his own folder of activities from which to choose. He is really good at it. The only problem is he NEVER wants to put it away once it is out. He also thinks it is his turn to use it whenever he sees it and "stories" automatically has come to mean the ipad. Anyway, no matter the routine it is never enough. If I say goodnight I can bet I'm going to hear one of these: "More Milk!" or "More Songs!" or "More Stories!" But the latest is, "More Jesus!" Now, I'm not quite sure where he got that. We do occasionally pray, but I have to admit I'm not as good about doing that as I wish I was. But how can I forget when my two-year-old is insisting on more Jesus! So we pray and thank God for all of our family and our pets and our food and friends. We go through a whole list and I'm pretty sure he thinks it is a game because whatever I say (like, "Thank you for this day"), he will say, "No day," and wave his hand in the air. He does this for everything I pray for, but giggles and seems to think it is funny. We also sing some Jesus songs now and he likes those too. Hmmmmmm, I'm still not sure what is going on in his little mind about Jesus, but I love that something is! And let me tell you, it is tough to leave the room at night when he is screaming, "More Jesus!"

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