Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Window of Opportunity

First of all I want to give a shout out to my faithful Wednesday reader Amy Schmidt. Go Amy!!! Thanks for reading my nonsense!!! I hope you are having a great day girl, love ya!

Wow, I have not blogged in a long time. I have been thinking about this and thinking about what I would say if I had time to blog. The truth is I have only so many small "windows of opportunity" throughout the day in order to blog. Jude cannot be awake because he wants to type too. And lately my "windows" have been filled with other (probably more important) activities. March has been pretty busy. One of my best friends ever, Kelly, got married on the 12th and that was that weekend...full of fun and seeing college and Omaha friends. Congrats to the two love birds Kelly and Vince (or VincenKel as their celebrity name goes).

Then it was off to Antioch the next weekend. Antioch is a retreat that I got to do with Gil and the Briar Cliff gang. It was so much fun and so renewing and spiritually uplifting. It is awesome to hear the work of God in other's lives and to see college kids desiring to live a life in relationship with Christ. Gil and I gave a talk on Community on Sunday morning. It went really well. The Briar Cliff kids accepted me as one of their own and it was neat to see Gil "at work." He truly does love his job...and who wouldn't when you are involved in so many cool experiences.

After Antioch I got sick:( That day was no fun. Yesterday I subbed, but last night Jude threw up; like a major vomiting throw up where you can see every blueberry and string cheese he had consumed for dinner plus get to smell the stomach acids (sorry for the grossness!). Gil got him in the bath ASAP and I re-made the crib and dealt with the remains. I was supposed to sub today too, but stayed home with the babe. He seems to be doing fine now, so that's good. No more having to strip the sheets and soak the yucky stuff (thank goodness).

Right now Jude is taking an uncommon 2 hour morning nap...thus my window of opportunity (and maybe he doesn't feel very good still:( I always have to weigh what is most important to get accomplished during this window. Do I fold clothes? Take a shower? Do the dishes? Make the bed? Use the computer? Make phone calls? Pay bills or balance the checkbook? I always wish I could just sit down and read or even better spend quiet time in prayer or in scripture. That just doesn't happen like it needs to because of the other demands of the window. But I am determined to get better at it again. So far today I have got several phone calls made (like the boring ones to schedule an oil change) and taken a shower. I have also attempted to pay a past due student loan online only to have to call customer service, change my password (at least one capital letter, one lower case letter, one number and one symbol...oh my goodness!!!), make two separate payments (why I do not know), get locked out of the system, and now the system is down and I still haven't finished! I HATE that stuff!

In other news we got a new-to-us old beat up pick up. It has 4-wheel drive. Something we found is necessary living in the conditions here in NE Nebraska! It is also a stick, so I will be learning now that 2 of our 3 vehicles are. If you live in Dixon County consider yourself forewarned! I will post a pic sometime. Our snow is also rapidly diminishing, but cannot happen rapidly enough in my opinion. Our yard and grove still have the most of anywhere around, although our mailbox is exposed and mail is coming and going on a regular Mon.-Sat. routine.

In more other news Jude can now give kisses, clap his hands, throw everything, and is really close to walking (I think)! It is fun to see him learn. I'm really anxious for those first words:)

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