Friday, March 1, 2019

Lukey is 4!!!!!!!

We had another birthday in the house!  This one is always a long time coming because it is soooooo hard for little brother to wait 20 WHOLE days after Mikey's birthday until HIS!  But it finally came.  And after a lot of practice learning that he is three, now he's four!  He already knows it though and is ready to tell all who will listen.  He also has the four fingers down pat.  When you turn four a lot of things change.  Like now you are taller, you know so many more things, maybe you can take down a brother you couldn't before (maybe!?), and you can for sure pour your own milk on your cereal...????

We celebrated this year a day before since his birthday landed on a Monday and Gil is nowhere to be seen on a Monday.  Instead we had Grandma and Grandpa Koester and Grandma and Grandpa Erwin over for some cake and ice cream and presents on Sunday afternoon.  And since the wind came and blew the snow all around and winter decided to start in February we didn't even get to church that morning.  But we were glad we still got to have our party with the Blue Yoshi cake and some Mario Kart and new toys and lots of candy too.

Luke, you are such a special little boy.  You are sweet and sincere and curious and friendly and love playing "combine" and outside and Legos and keeping up with the bigger kids!  Your big dark brown eyes and long lashes get me every time!  You love getting out of bed to get one more drink or ask one more question or to say, "See ya in the morning!"  You love crawling into bed with me at 6am and getting a few snuggles.  You still love your nap most days, but ALWAYS ask if I can lay with you.  Sometimes I do and I always cherish that time.  You love reading books with me.  Dr. Seuss and Berenstain Bears are favorites.  You love Wild Kratts on the iPad and playing endlessly with cars and building forts and doing all the things.  You have a great sniffer and often say. "What smeeellls?"  You live life with happiness and smiles and gusto.  I admire you Lukey!  You add so much to our family.  We love you and are proud of you!

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