Friday, June 10, 2011

Home & Garden

Here are a few pics of what has been going on at the Ranch lately. Gil and I are enjoying both having time off of work again to enjoy our kids and work around the house (so maybe we are not off of work?!?). It has been interesting adjusting to life with two kids. Thank goodness there are two of us! Jude is on the brink of potty training, but we haven't really taken the plunge yet. The other morning we tried putting him in underwear to see what would happen. He had an accident on the kitchen floor by 9:30 am. Gil was outside and while I was cleaning up the baby started crying. That was the end of that for the day! Cora is really a pretty good baby. She likes to have a binky in (just like her brother) and has manageable nights usually. Jude absolutely adores her, but still gets a little cranky when others are around to see her.

We had the most gorgeous day here on Wednesday. We spent the entire morning outside and then had Sr. Janet over for supper in the evening. Here is Jude playing on the front porch.
Peek! His "peek" sounds a little more like "puke!"
Daddy and the kiddos
Jude taking a run for it.
This is how I roll with Cora outside! She gets a bumpy stroller ride so I can follow her brother around.

Gil is tilling the garden. This is tough manual labor since we do not own a working tiller. It was my job last summer, but Gil has graciously taken over (so far...).
Tomato plants.
The new batch of broilers we got a few days after Cora was born. We got 40 this time!!! Yikes!!! Anyone want to come help us butcher???
Jude likes to gather the eggs. See the hen? That is where they lay and there is always one of them sitting on it. So he gets a big stick and yells, "Go away chicken!" That usually does the trick!
Mitch and Minette came from San Antonio last Friday. They came up for a visit along with Gil's parents and grandpa Buhman. Jude didn't want to take a picture too bad at this moment...
...or this moment!
M&M with CC

The men playing cards and drinking tea.
Jude giving baby sis a big kiss.

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