Thursday, March 29, 2012


i am going to make this quick because i am so behind... i am behind on blogging. i am constantly taking pictures and videos that i hope one day to upload and share and make into a post. that usually doesn't happen.

i am behind on grading. i brought home stacks of papers all week. they are still there. untouched. in fact now there are more.

i am behind on calling friends and family. sorry if you are one of them.

i am behind on bills. i just can't remember to pay them on time.

i am behind on fashion. whenever i go to the store i am too overwhelmed by the changing trends to know what to buy. (i go to a store once every few-er several- months, and then it is usually target). i always thought i would stay current on clothes and music and hair...hmmmm.

i am behind on cleaning. oh that's not even funny how behind that behind is.

i am behind on technology. i just don't get how things work sometimes and don't have the time to figure it out.

i am behind on pinterest. i just discovered it (or finally gave in to it rather) and am just a tad addicted. it helps me in the fashion department and maybe technology. definitely crafts!

i am behind on the hunger games. i read just a little each day. one of my sixth graders stared reading it right after me and is on the third book now. he taunts me by threatening to spoil the plot. i am on p. 103 of the first book. the movie came out last week. i am behind.

i am behind on sleep. i never. get. enough.

But to make myself feel better (and you all) I will let you know that I am not behind on showering, brushing my teeth, eating (of course!), feeding my kids, playing with my kids, bathing my kids, showing up for work at a reasonably late time, and now the blog!

*incredibly adorable pictures and super-cute videos to come...

1 comment:

  1. I'm behind, too. And I don't even have a great excuse like two adorable kids. Just letting you know that you're not the only one who's behind. Sympathy sigh.
