Thursday, January 5, 2012

The Twelve Days of Honduras--Day 1

Gil is in Honduras starting today. For twelve days. This is the third year he has made the trip. But this is the first time I have had to hold down the fort with TWO kids (plus all the animals). And this is the first time it has been twelve days.

Last year I made Gil a photo album of things Jude and I did while he was away. This year I have decided to write a blog post EVERY DAY for TWELVE days...aka "The Twelve Days of Honduras." This is a HUGE (I'm enjoying caps tonight!) undertaking for me right now seeing as how I am averaging one post a month these days AND that I am a single mom for the time being. But I am going to do my best!

Ok, so day 1. Well, the first night was a little rocky. While Cora did sleep until nearly 4 am (a record as of late), I discovered she needed changing (poopy!) and that she had a fever. So after a feeding, changing, temp taking, and medicine giving (which she hates), she peacefully drifted off to sleep...until 5 am...and then 5:45 am...

Did I mention I am totally and utterly exhausted today? It's like just this one day of being "on" all by myself has completely worn me out. I had to exert extra brain power just to remember if the period went inside or outside of the quotes just cannot criticize my grammar in this post!

The day got off to a slow start. I arrived at school after chores, loading kids, and unloading kids about twenty minutes late (luckily I still beat the students!). I got Cora an appointment at 2:15 because I was pretty sure she had an ear infection and she probably shouldn't have gone to daycare...(side note, it was 65 degrees out today!). Mom picked up Jude early from daycare and I got Cora to the doctor only about 5 minutes late (I'm afraid you might see a trend in my lack of punctuality). She had a double ear infection--goodie--but still was able to get her second flu vaccination. After the poking and prodding she was in a mood, but luckily she fell asleep immediately once in the car and stayed that way throughout the entire Target trip. I did get to spend an incredible amount of time in Target tonight with a sleeping baby which is the next best thing to being there alone. That was fun. I got some new mascara and foundation I'm excited to try (I know you're going to be thrilled!).

So after Target and my frustrating time at the SS HyVee pharmacy (they only gave me $40 back instead of $50 for the wrong charge...grrr). I arrived home with a much happier infant and Jude just behind me, also in good spirits. We ate supper, played, cleaned up, and the kids both went to bed around 8! After that I got caught up on the budget and guess what?! We had extra money last month!!! That was good to see after the Target trip...

Now I'm off to bed to read the devo Melanie sent me (that is another thing I'm trying to do each night).

Goodnight from Nebraska. I love you all the way to Honduras!


  1. We love you all the way to Nebraska!!! Your Iowa family

  2. If you are reading this Gil we hope that you are doing well. Our prayers are with you and all the Briar Cliff family. Love you, Mom
