I don't know where to begin today. I haven't had much time to blog lately, but there are so many post ideas going on in my head...seems like all of life is like that lately. I can't remember anything because there are always a million things I need to do at once. I will go to fill up Jude's milk and realize I need to change the garbage and then start a load of laundry and remember I need to wash his sheets and then change Cora's diaper and completely forget about the milk (until he reminds me in his not-so-quiet manner). Seriously, today I finally got both kids down for naps and then realized I really had to go to the bathroom. Hadn't even thought of that! Another thing I don't seem to have time to think about is meals. It will get to be 6 pm and I will be wondering what's for dinner! But meal planning, mothering, and dogs are all for other posts...this one is about SLEEP!
When Jude was a new baby I took LOTS of pictures. Not as many as most moms maybe (I'm conservative like that!) but a lot for me. With Cora I'm never thinking of it (as mentioned above) until everyone is sleeping (plus you just can't beat sleeping babies). So most of my pictures of her are when she is asleep. Here are some of her different poses:
And finally, her favorite, the "on-my-tummy on-the-floor" (this is where she is currently by the way)
I seem to be always putting her in different positions for nap time. She will be in her bassinet, then on the floor, then in the swing or on the couch. I don't know why I have this obsession to always mess with her like that. Probably because I'm searching for what works. I know they always say something like "back is best" but honestly I think "tummy is tops." I don't let her sleep on her tummy at night because of the hoopla, but I'm beginning to consider it. She just takes such great naps that way. And let me tell you, nighttime is not always sweet dreams for her. I know several women who had babies right around the time Cora was born. And I keep hearing about how "my baby slept eight hours at night at three weeks of age and hasn't stopped since." (okay, maybe that is an exaggeration, but that is how I feel!). My baby does NOT sleep eight hours at night. She is not going on nine weeks old and I am lucky if I get four at time and even luckier if she agrees to go back to sleep within ten minutes of her feeding and even luckier if she agrees to go to sleep when I want to go to sleep. This is how it has been lately: I or Gil get her to sleep, or sometimes she falls asleep on her own, she is laid in her bassinet and immediately wakes up. I get her back to sleep with the binky or holding or swaddling and get back in bed. Five or even fifteen minutes later she spit out the binky, is wide awake, and letting out little whimpers. I put her back to sleep. She wakes up again. The first few times I am able to get her to sleep are very rewarding. By the fifth or sixth time I feel a little abused. This is wearing on me. Especially since the start of school is beginning to come into view. I have a hard time functioning right now if I have to get up before 8:30...I cannot imagine 6:00 every day!!!
Jude on the other hand is a rock star sleeper. Now that is. I can't really remember when he started sleeping better as a baby. It wasn't early though. Am I doing something wrong? Ugh! Anyway, I know at one point he was a 7pm to 7amer. Those were the days. Now he requires a little more attention at bedtime (i.e. stories, prayers, and songs...which I gladly give!) but still sleeps great. He rarely gets me up before Cora does, so I have that to be thankful for. And he naps great too, although the binky and blanky are still in the picture. Potty training and binky breaking were supposed to be his summer agenda...not sure that is going to happen...
This is a picture of my laundry. It was just the story of my life that day. Lots of diapers and lots of pink:)
Adorable Cora! And love the rock-n-roll video of Jude - he's going to need that long hair if he's going to be in a band.